Watering more than the yard ...

Porch Notes … (from the patio) Have you ever watched your sprinklers sprinkle? While smelling the water like it was rain? No, I haven’t ‘lost it’. I’m just enjoying it … for two reasons. One. It’s my ‘designated’ watering day, so I can. I admit this would probably be more fulfilling on a ‘non-designated’ watering day, or ‘no designated’ day at all. It doesn’t set well with me anymore when the government tells me what I can and cannot do. But alas, I get a low water supply in a drought and summer heatwave. It’s been enough to make you want to cry over your plants and parched yard. Not to mention the shriveling foundation. Pretty soon I won’t be able to open or shut our bedroom door at all if we don’t get some much-needed relief in the way of a good ole thunderstorm. So for now, I’ll sit outside and watch those beloved sprinklers sprinkle, praying for rain. Two. It’s really really quiet this morning. Shhhh … you can hear the silence. Okay, there were lawnmowers out on the golf co...